Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Announcements 3-25

Easter Egg Hunt NEXT Saturday, March 31st from 1:00pm-3:00pm  We are in need of bags of candy.  PLEASE HELP IF AT ALL POSSIBLE!

LBA Meeting - Tuesday, March 27 at 7:00 pm

Easter Schedule -  Sunday April 8th

  • Sunrise Service - 7:30 AM
  • Sunday School - 9:30 AM
  • Easter Drama & Cantata - 10:30 AM
  • No PM Service

Items needed for the Open Arms Food Pantry- The community is becoming familiar with our Open Arms Food Pantry.  March has been our busiest month.  Please remember to bring food items on a regular basis so we can continue to be a blessing to those in need.  Currently we are in need of the following items: Beef stew (can), breakfast cereal, 1 pound bag of rice, 1 pound bag of dry beans and saltine crackers.

Day of prayer and fasting- each Wednesday up until Easter will be set aside as a day of prayer and fasting for the lost. Sacrifice one meal, two meals, or the whole day and spend time in prayer for each of those who do not know Jesus! The church will be open each Wednesday morning from 6:30 - 8:30 am for anyone wanting to come and spend time around the altar in prayer.

Prayer Vigils- March 31st & April 7th  Sign up for a 30 minute slot or a whole hour as often as you can.  Spend that time in prayer for those who do not know Jesus as their personal Savior.  Let's fill up the whole 24 hours on each one of these days with prayer for the lost!  Sign-up sheets are on the Bulletin Board.

Thank You Notes - March is our Thank You month here at SRWC!  Show your appreciation to someone in the church by writing a "Thank You" note and placing it on the Bulletin Board in the foyer.  Keep a check on the Bulletin Board - there may be a special "Thank You" just for you!

Ladies Bible Study Opportunity - Four Saturdays, March 31st; April 14; April 28; and May 12.  Join us -s we study the book of Ruth.  There will be NO cost to this study.  We ask only that you come.  We will meet in the church fellowship hall from 10am-11am.  Please bring your Bible, paper, and pen.

Zumba Exercise Night-  Begins Thursday, April 12th @ 7:00 PM.  See the sign up sheet on the bulletin board.

Mother/Daughter Banquet - Saturday, May 5th.  Our theme this year will be "Scrapbook Memories."  Search through your pictures and pick out two or three that you would like to put into a mini scrapbook.  The cost for dinner this year is to bring your favorite salad or casserole dish to share with everyone.  Tea and water will be provided.

SRWC Ladies Ministry Board - The following ladies were elected to serve as officers of SRWC Ladies Ministry:  President- Carla Johnson, Vice-President- Tammy Barnes, Secretary - Betty Richards, Treasurer - Janie Carter, Children's Ministry - Patty Franklin and Karen Abofarraj, Outreach - Melinda McFarlin, Patricia Hicks, Kathleen Deitz

SRWC Ladies Ministry Food Committe - Volunteers are needed to join one of our Food Committee groups.  These groups take turns providing side dishes for families during hospital stays, deaths, and hosting wedding/baby showers.  Our Ladies Ministry provides the main course with the two dollars monies collected each month from the ladies of the church.  If you are not currently part of one of these groups ad would be able to help and/or help by giving two dollars a month please see Janie Carter.

Nursery Workers are needed in the nursery to care for our little ones during our Sunday morning/ evening service and our Wednesday night service.  Any help during any of these service will be most appreciate.  If this is something that you can help with please see Phyllis Howard.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Announcements 3-18

Items needed to bring in food donations and place them in the Open Arms Food Pantry- Please continue to bring in food donations and place them on the box in the foyer. Beef stew (can), breakfast cereal, oatmeal, dry spaghetti, rice. Please remember to check the date on the items and no glass containers please. If you have any questions, please see Charlie Hawkins or David Dietz.

Tell your story- Would you be willing to Christ and a little bit of your spiritual journey? There are sheets on the table outside the nursery for you to take and tell us about the time when you were "Born Again". These stories will be compiled and put into a booklet. Give your spiritual journey stories to Andrea Ward.  Need an example?  Read this:  http://jesusyoume.blogspot.com/2012/03/my-spiritual-journey.html

Day of prayer and fasting- each Wednesday up until Easter will be set aside as a day of prayer and fasting for the lost. Sacrifice one meal, two meals, or the whole day and spend time in prayer for each of those who do not know Jesus! The church will be open each Wednesday morning from 6:30 - 8:30 am for anyone wanting to come and spend time around the altar in prayer.

Prayer Vigils- March 31st & April 7th  Sign up for a 30 minute slot or a whole hour as often as you can.  Spend that time in prayer for those who do not know Jesus as their personal Savior.  Let's fill up the whole 24 hours on each one of these days with prayer for the lost!  Sign-up sheets are on the Bulletin Board.

Thank You Notes - March is our Thank You month here at SRWC!  Show your appreciation to someone in the church by writing a "Thank You" note and placing it on the Bulletin Board in the foyer.  Keep a check on the Bulletin Board - there may be a special "Thank You" just for you!

Children's Choir - WEEPraise - All children are invited and encouraged to join the Children's Choir, Wee Praise!  The first practice will be on Sunday, March 25th after Sunday night service.  If you have any questions, please see Dawn Thompson.

Easter Drama - We need your help with the Easter Drama.  If you would be willing to participate and have a NON-SPEAKING part, please see Gene Collins or Phyllis Howard ASAP.  Your ministry through this drama would be a great blessing!

SRWC Ladies Ministry - March 18th following Sunday morning service we aske that you stay for a brief meeting in order to cast your vote for our Ladies Ministry Board.

SRWC Ladies Ministry - On Tuesday, March 20th, we will be celebrating all January-June birthdays.  Please join us at Java Journey for coffee, cake, and fellowship.  (Cake and fellowship will be provided; coffee can be purchased through Java Journey)  We will be gathering at 6:30pm.  If you need transportation, you may call Carla and arrangements will be made to pick you up.

Ladies Bible Study Opportunity - Four Saturdays, March 31st; April 14; April 28; and May 12.  Join us as we study the book of Ruth.  There will be NO cost to this study.  We ask only that you come.  We will meet in the church fellowship hall from 10am-11am.  Please bring your Bible, paper, and pen.

Mother/Daughter Banquet on May 5th.  Mark your calendar.  It is time for our Mother/Daughter Banquet.  Our theme this year will be "Scrapbook Memories."  Search through your pictures and pick out two or three that you would like to put into a mini scrapbook.  The cost for dinner this year is to bring your favorite salad or casserole dish to share with everyone.  Tea and water will be provided.

SRWC Ladies Ministry Food Committe - Volunteers are needed to join one of our Food Committee groups.  These groups take turns providing side dishes for families during hospital stays, deaths, and hosting wedding/baby showers.  Our Ladies Ministry provides the main course with the two dollars monies collected each month from the ladies of the church.  If you are not currently part of one of these groups ad would be able to help and/or help by giving two dollars a month please see Janie Carter.

Nursery Workers are needed in the nursery to care for our little ones during our Sunday morning/ evening service and our Wednesday night service.  Any help during any of these service will be most appreciate.  If this is something that you can help with please see Phyllis Howard.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Announcements 3-11

Easter Egg Hunt - Saturday, March 31st.  We are in need of bags of candy.  If you would be willing to donate some candy, you may bring them in at any time.

Best Year's Fellowship Lunch - On Sunday, March 18th, the Best Year's Fellowship will be having a lunch in the Fellowship Hall following the morning service.  If you are 55 years or older, you are invited to attend.  Please let Betty Richards or Barbara Cannon know if you can come.

New Members Class - We will be conducting a New Members Class beginning on Sunday, March 18th @ 5:00 pm.  If you are interested in knowing more about the Wesleyan Church and SRWC, please see Pastor Scott for details.

Open Arms Food Pantry - Items Needed for the Open Arms Food Pantry.  Please continue to bring in food donations place them in the box in the foyer.  Beef Stew (CAN), Breakfast Cereal, Oatmeal, Dry Spaghetti, Rice.  Please remember to check the date on the items and no glass containers please.  If you have any questions, please see Charlie Hawkins or David Deitz.

Tell Your Story - Would you be willing to share your story of when you came to Christ and a little bit of your spiritual journey?  There are sheets on the table outside the Nursery for you to take and tell us about the time when you were "Born Again".  These stories will be compiled and put into a booklet.  Give your Spiritual Journey stories to Andrea Ward.  Need an example?  Read this:  http://jesusyoume.blogspot.com/2012/03/my-spiritual-journey.html

South Mountain Informational Meeting - There will be a very important meeting concerning the future of the South Mountain Camp held Tomorrow Night, Monday, March 12th - 6:30pm at the Gibbs Chapel Wesleyan Church in Morganton.  If you are interested in going see Pastor Scott

Thank You Notes - March is our Thank You month here at SRWC!  Show your appreciation to someone in the church by writing a "Thank You" note and placing it on the Bulletin Board in the foyer.  Keep a check on the Bulletin Board - there may be a special "Thank You" just for you!

Children's Choir - WEEPraise - All children are invited and encouraged to join the Children's Choir, Wee Praise!  The first practice will be on Sunday, March 25th after Sunday night service.  If you have any questions, please see Dawn Thompson.

Easter Drama - We need your help with the Easter Drama.  If you would be willing to participate and have a NON-SPEAKING part, please see Gene Collins or Phyllis Howard ASAP.  Your ministry through this drama would be a great blessing!

SRWC Ladies Ministry - March 18th following Sunday morning service we aske that you stay for a brief meeting in order to cast your vote for our Ladies Ministry Board.

SRWC Ladies Ministry - On Tuesday, March 20th, we will be celebrating all January-June birthdays.  Please join us at Java Journey for coffee, cake, and fellowship.  (Cake and fellowship will be provided; coffee can be purchased thru Java Journey)  We will be gathering at 6:30pm.  If you need transportation, you may call Carla and arrangements will be made to pick you up.

Ladies Bible Study Opportunity - Four Saturdays, March 31st; April 14; April 28; and May 12.  Join us as we study the book of Ruth.  There will be NO cost to this study.  We ask only that you come.  We will meet in the church fellowship hall from 10am-11am.  Please bring your Bible, paper, and pen.

Mother/Daughter Banquet on May 5th.  Mark your calendar.  It is time for our Mother/Daughter Banquet.  Our theme this year will be "Scrapbook Memories."  Search through your pictures and pick out two or three that you would like to put into a mini scrapbook.  The cost for dinner this year is to bring your favorite salad or casserole dish to share with everyone.  Tea and water will be provided.

SRWC Ladies Ministry Food Committe - Volunteers are needed to join one of our Food Committee groups.  These groups take turns providing side dishes for families during hospital stays, deaths, and hosting wedding/baby showers.  Our Ladies Ministry provides the main course with the two dollars monies collected each month from the ladies of the church.  If you are not currently part of one of these groups ad would be able to help and/or help by giving two dollars a month please see Janie Carter.

Nursery Workers are needed in the nursery to care for our little ones during our Sunday morning/ evening service and our Wednesday night service.  Any help during any of these service will be most appreciate.  If this is something that you can help with please see Phyllis Howard.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Applause of Heaven

Jesus said: "Come to me, all you who are tired and have heavy loads, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:26 Max Lucado said: 'As long as Jesus is one of many options, he is no option. As long as you can carry your burdens alone, you don't need a burden bearer. As long as your situation brings you no grief, you will receive no comfort. As long as you can take him or leave him, you might as well leave him, because he won't be taken half-heartedly. But when you mourn, when you get to the point of sorrow for your sins, when you admit that you have no other option but to cast all your cares on him, and when there is truly no other name that you can call, then cast all your cares on him, for he is waiting in the midst of the storm.' From his book THE APPLAUSE OF HEAVEN by Max Lucado

Monday, March 5, 2012

Announcements 3-5

Easter Egg Hunt - Saturday, March 31st.  We are in need of bags of candy.  If you would be willing to donate some candy, you may bring them in at any time.

Special Offering- Thank you for giving last Sunday to World Vision and the 30 Hour Famine.  Over $320 was collected to help feed the hungry in our world.

Men's Prayer Breakfast - Next Sunday, March 11th @8:30 AM

Best Year's Fellowship Lunch - On Sunday, March 18th, the Best Year's Fellowship will be having a lunch in the Fellowship Hall following the morning service.  If you are 55 years or older, you are invited to attend.  Please let Betty Richards or Barbara Cannon know if you can come.

New Members Class - We will be conducting a New Members Class beginning on Sunday, March 18th @ 5:00 pm.  If you are interested in knowing more about the Wesleyan Church and SRWC, please see Pastor Scott for details.

Open Arms Food Pantry - Since beginning operation of the Open Arms Food Pantry, we have served 20 families with a total of 569 pounds of food.  This ministry has great potential of reaching the needy who have not only physical needs, but spiritual needs as well.  If you have given to the Open Arms Food Pantry in any way, thank you.  Please continue to bring in food donations and place them in the box in the foyer.  If you have any questions, please see Charlie Hawkins or David Deitz.

Tell Your Story - Would you be willing to share your story of when you came to Christ and a little bit of your spiritual journey?  There are sheets on the table outside the Nursery for you to take and tell us about the time when you were "Born Again".  These stories will be compiled and put into a booklet.  Give your Spiritual Journey stories to Andrea Ward

Church Website - If your class or group had anything on the church website, please resubmit that information in writing to Pastor Drew or Andrea.  The new church website is under construction.  You can check out the preliminary work at http://sandyridgewesleyanchurch.blogspot.com